"hab dein spaß, solange du noch jung bist, hat mein opa mir gesagt weil er nich dumm ist, vielleicht ändert sich mein leben doch ich hoffs nich, es ist doch garnich so schlimm wie es is"
Drujba, Bulgaria
membro da March 28, 2008
5 739 visualizzazioni
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Ingo von Kotti
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Cartoonists Association CRN from Romania invite you to expose your art at http://www.personality.com.ro/ (http://www.personality.com.ro/artisti.htm click on every photos).
For this you must make some GREAT ROMANIAN PERSONALITIES and send its at address from web site. Computer art must have resolution 300 dpi for size 21x30 cm or more
Best regards,
Nicolae Ionita / President Cartoonists Association CRN from Romania
, il 13 July 2010 applause 0
Pohlenz, il 14 April 2008 applause 0
Vanessa Oxygen, il 29 March 2008 applause 0