Drei Musketiere
#68789 / visualizzato 8208 volteMillionenstrafe für Tchibo, Melitta und Dallmayr
Drei große deutsche Kaffeeröster müssen wegen verbotener Preisabsprachen Geldbußen von zusammen 159,5 Millionen Euro zahlen. Das Bundeskartellamt verhängte die Wettbewerbsstrafe gegen die Tchibo GmbH Hamburg, die Melitta Kaffee GmbH Bremen und die Alois Dallmayr Kaffee OHG München.
HAMBURG, Dec 21 (Reuters) - Germany's federal cartel agency has imposed fines totalling 159.5 million euros ($228.6 million) on the coffee roasters Tchibo, Melitta and Dallmayr because of joint price fixing, the office said on Monday.
The three have consulted each other at least since early 2000 with the aim of coordinating prices, the agency said.
The companies have the right of appeal.
HAMBURG (HB) Aralarında anlaşarak kahve fiyatlarını bir Euro yükseltip halka kazık atan Tchibo, Dallmayr ve Mellita şirketlerini yaklaşık 160 milyonluk para cezası bekliyor.
Commenti (2)
BenHeine, il 03 January 2010 segnala post rispondi applause 0
muharrem akten, il 21 December 2009 segnala post rispondi applause 0