#63609 / visualizzato 8698 volteright to left
Fashcool:I want a bridge between My University and home
Genie: it's hard, chose another wish
Fashcool: ok, let Israelis get out of west bank.
Genie: and the bridge, one side or two sides??!!
Commenti (4)
samir alramahi, il 08 November 2009 segnala post rispondi applause 0
red, il 06 November 2009 segnala post rispondi applause 0
By the way, you could add the english translation under the "Translation" tab. :)
Battlestar, il 06 November 2009 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Fashcool:I want a bridge between My University and home
Genie: it's hard, chose another widh
Fashcool: ok, let Israelis get out of west bank.
Genie: and the bridge, one side or two sides
tags gini
ramzytaweel, il 06 November 2009 segnala post rispondi applause 0