Jugend und Einsamkeit
#446431 / visualizzato 1211 volte"Wie einsam sind junge Erwachsene im Jahr 2024?
Die Pandemie ist vorbei, doch junge Menschen sind weiterhin einsam. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt unsere aktuelle bundesweite repräsentative Befragung junger Menschen zwischen 16 und 30 Jahren. Die Einsamkeit junger Menschen ist ein gesellschaftliches Problem und erfordert gemeinsame Lösungen unter Einbezug der Betroffenen."
(Bertelsmann Stiftung)
Herausforderungen einer digitalen Gesellschaft
"Digitalisierung: Einige befürchten analoge Vereinsamung, Abhängigkeit von Likes und ständig neuen Reizen oder gesellschaftliche Verrohung. Andere sehen die Entwicklungen hin zu mehr digitaler Vernetzung eher als Chance. Wie können wir mit den enormen Transformationsprozessen umgehen? An welchen Punkten müssen wir besonders wachsam sein? Und brauchen wir dabei digitale Entgiftungskuren? Überlegungen zur Zukunft einer digitalen Gesellschaft."
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Commenti (14)
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MorituruS, il 03 July 2024 segnala post rispondi applause 0
markus-grolik, il 01 July 2024 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Erl, il 01 July 2024 segnala post rispondi applause 0
marian kamensky, il 01 July 2024 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Aristotle said that man is a political and social being.
Thatcher, who was the unwashed exponent of neoliberalism, said that societies do not exist, there are only individuals. Today in young people there is the model of the worthy person, who should be first of all others, to climb the stairs of his ambition to get where he wants, without looking at what is happening around him. This suits the political elite in power, because it is one thing to manage individuals, and quite another to manage societies or social groups that often have spontaneity, which always frightens the rulers. Young people lack vision, and dream in love and life. If we were to turn the clock back to 1968, and if there were mobile phones and they were used as they are today, it would be doubtful that there would be May 1968. But there is always hope when even a small flame smoulders. . . .
I see it very similarly. It is said that so-called turbo-capitalism deliberately wants to drive people apart and isolate them, and it is quite clear that singles and single people are easier to manage and also pay more taxes than families. A few years ago there was the slogan YOLO, you only live once, and that's just a license for even more ruthless individualism. If I only care about money and fun under the guise of freedom, climate change will progress rapidly and the consequences will ultimately be devastating for everyone. You can already feel it now. But yes, I too have a glimmer of hope, even if unfortunately those who show us that you can get very far with selfishness, lies and unscrupulousness are prevailing worldwide.
MorituruS, il 01 July 2024 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Thank you, dear Enrico!
MorituruS, il 01 July 2024 segnala post rispondi applause 0
MorituruS, il 01 July 2024 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Dear MorituruS,
Very much so ..
Observation is very well done.
MorituruS, il 01 July 2024 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Enrico Bertuccioli, il 01 July 2024 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Shahid Atiq, il 01 July 2024 segnala post rispondi applause 0
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