Juncker s Assistance to Vote 2
#332453 / visualizzato 3288 volteJuncker's concession for the 2nd vote of the british parliament on Theresa May's Brexit deal on March 12 2019.
Now, after the vote was taken, we know that the fart did not perform what Juncker expected.
Originally I denominated the vote as 'No 3' but with this counting I included the cancelled vote of Dec. 11 2018.
Politica » International Confederations Politicians Parties Democracy
Commenti (3)
He needs more baked beans..
gungor, il 16 March 2019 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Erl, il 15 March 2019 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Harm Bengen, il 13 March 2019 segnala post rispondi applause 0