Mona Lisa is passe!
#127366 / visualizzato 6034 volteAt Luvre in Paris, the precious and priceless painting of Mona Lisa is kept in a well guarded vault. But if we were to go by the rate at which arctic ice is disappearing from the face of earth , ( courtesy : Global Warming! ), she may have to give way to the last and rare piece of Arctic ice , to be saved as an extinct item, for all posterity to see!
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kar2nist, il 18 May 2011 segnala post rispondi applause 0
markus-grolik, il 18 May 2011 segnala post rispondi applause 0
kar2nist, il 09 May 2011 segnala post rispondi applause 0
yasar kemal turan, il 08 May 2011 segnala post rispondi applause 0
kar2nist, il 08 May 2011 segnala post rispondi applause 0
MSB, il 08 May 2011 segnala post rispondi applause 0