Singin in the rain
#227082 / visualizzato 3437 volteThere we go again... Palestinian casualties mount as Israel intensifies Gaza Offensive... Gaza militans fired more than 140 Rockets... and Israel launches Military strikes 50 sites... Looks like another war on the horizon... God bless to both side... only we can do... Gaza, Hamas ,Israel Air Force, B.Netanyahu, Jerusalem,Tel Aviv, West Bank,Egypt,Iron Dome,Gene Kelly and Donald O'connor,Hollywood, etc....
Politica » National/Domestic International Military & Security Terrorism Technology Environment Historical Conflicts & War Politicians Parties Democracy
Commenti (3)
JotKa, il 12 July 2014 segnala post rispondi applause 0
zenundsenf, il 11 July 2014 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Your cartoon is perfect! *****
edda von sinnen, il 11 July 2014 segnala post rispondi applause 0