Women in Afghanistan
#417972 / visualizzato 1014 volteA girl in Afghanistan said she feels bad because she was born a woman , she cannot go anywhere without permission from the Taliban , and compared herself to an animal , she said an animal can at least go where it wants to go.
Taliban should respect the woman , because in case they do not respect her , it is like disrespecting their mother who brought them into life.
Belief in any God is a matter of conscience, and is not imposed.
Those who act against freedom and human rights, under any pretext, express their fascism.
Politica » International Terrorism Other Politicians Parties Democracy
Commenti (2)
Yes unfortunately !
Unfortunately, this is the truth
vasilis dagres, il 30 December 2022 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Shahid Atiq, il 30 December 2022 segnala post rispondi applause 0