Yes! It_s Koh Maa again
#100263 / visualizzato 7590 volteWorld discovery tour 1995! Back again on my sweet island Koh Maa, Siam. - HOME SWEET HOME!"
I've spent here on this football field-sized island on different vacations around 18 months! It´s my second home!
- I shot this photo with the CARENA CX-300. ***************************
Natura » Universe Planet Earth Seas & Oceans Discoveries Nature Protection
Commenti (5)
"When it’s summer in siam
Then all I really know
Is that I truly am
In the summer in siam"
Habe mir eben mal Deine Sammlung angeschaut. Hast ja ganz schön was gesehen von der Welt!
Sehr schöne und beeindruckende Aufnahmen!
Die trägst Du bestimmt auch im Herzen.
Beste Grüße aus Bonn!
badham, il 11 October 2010 segnala post rispondi applause 0
MoArt Rotterdam, il 10 October 2010 segnala post rispondi applause 0
edda von sinnen, il 08 October 2010 segnala post rispondi applause 0
I have subscribed to this group Ricco, so I shouldn't miss any of your new postings hopefully! : ) Amazing, look at the water!
Thx again dear Danny!
Yes, it´s my second home! I love this place by my heart!!!
RnRicco, il 07 October 2010 segnala post rispondi applause 0
Krinisty, il 07 October 2010 segnala post rispondi applause 0