
Editors' benefits:
- convenient payment options
- download high-res files without delay
- access to international artworks
- the latest political cartoons.
Discover ToonAgent today, choose between 33,000+ cartoons of 150 artists, download instantly.
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Collections altro
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31 Membri | 3528 Vignette |
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CLOWNS & Jack in the Box
26 Membri | 381 Vignette |
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61 Membri | 675 Vignette |
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Soccer Portraits
49 Membri | 579 Vignette |
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84 Membri | 847 Vignette |
Cartoon Tags
afd ampel angela arbeit art auto bayern berlin brexit bundesregierung bundestag bundestagswahl business caricature cartoon cartoons cdu china comic corona coronavirus covid19 csu demokratie deutschland digital donald drawing erdogan eu euro europa fdp flüchtlinge frau fussball fußball geld gesellschaft gesundheit gewalt griechenland grüne humor illustration internet karikatur kinder klima klimawandel koalition krieg krise kunst lithuania lockdown love man mann medien merkel music nato obama pandemie partei politics politik politiker polizei portrait präsident putin regierung religion russland scholz seehofer spd sport tagescartoon terror tod trump tv ukraine umwelt union us usa virus wahl wahlen wahlkampf war weihnachten wirtschaft woman worldTi piace leggere le vignette o magari disegnarle tu stesso?
Allora sei capitato nel posto giusto qui su Entra a far parte del meraviglioso mondo di con 387795 disegni.
Su puoi pubblicare le tue vignette, farle commentare e raccoglierle nel tuo profilo personale.Puoi creare il tuo portfolio personale per condividere con gli altri il tuo umorismo, i tuoi disegni e la tua visione del mondo.
Anche se non sai disegnare, ti offre una piattaforma creativa. Puoi commentare e votare le vignette, tradurre disegni divertenti da altre lingue e diffondere lo spirito di Puoi discutere con altri utenti e verificare la tua competenza nel campo delle vignette. Incontra nuovi amici e scopri un nuovo, sconosciuto mondo di umorismo.
Fai il primo passo: Registrati su e crea il tuo profilo personale. Quindi carica la tua prima vignetta e attendi...
Draw cartoons yourself
Anyone can join toonpool! This is the place where the professional political cartoonist meets the hobby illustrator with funny drawings, and the newcomer who creates digital collages. Registration is free and only takes five minutes. It doesn’t matter whether you upload a sketch or a tremendous oil painting – toonpool is open to any profound, meaningful, absurd or simply hilariously funny graphic representation. As an artist, you are given the option to create your own portfolios and order your images by subject, so that your visitors gain a nice insight into your work. On top of that, toonpool offers the use of ShopOffice , a service providing the distribution of t-shirts, posters and downloads with your artworks: open your own online shop and display your art in the Marketplace.
Participate in toonpool
Even if you think you can’t draw, toonpool can serve you as a platform for creative exchange. Discuss the content of interesting cartoons by writing comments or translate the speech bubbles of foreign-language cartoons and thereby spread the spirit of toonpool. Get to know new creative friends from more than 150 countries and explore new unknown worlds of humor.
Hunter-gatherers also have the option to create collections : issue-specific compilations of caricatures and cartoons on toonpool. In addition, you can become a member of the more than 1,000 existing collections and expand them or join the discussion thread of the corresponding forums. The collections cover all kinds of topics: humorous school cartoons, atmospheric Christmas cartoons for any season, and cartoons about computers and the internet. The minute you have registered with toonpool, you can immediately create a collection.
Cartoon agency ToonAgent
Are you a picture editor of a magazine or newspaper, or a graphic artist in the publishing sector or any other media branch, looking for original illustrations or up-to-the-minute caricatures? The cartoon picture agency ToonAgent from the house of stores tens of thousands of drawings by professional artists and newcomers from all over the world on one single web site. As an approved customer, you can instantly download and use the printable version of a cartoon and enjoy our convenient payment options. Numerous dailies, magazines, publishing houses and advertising agencies already take advantage of the artwork selection featured on ToonAgent.
Download cartoons
The majority of artists on toonpool give you the chance to purchase their cartoons and illustrations as an instant image download. You can improve your web site, Facebook page, blog, or invitation card for the next birthday on your list with a cartoon. The art works are great for many other occasions. The download process is conceivably simple, and takes just a few minutes. Image use is subject to a few restrictions, and is unlimited in terms of time and region.